Monday 7 November 2011

Peg 101 - Clear Water, Ranskill: Pegs 82 - 90.

So you've drawn the fliers and you need to make it count?

Heres the all in guide to the fishery and the best pegs available.

First of all. No matter what time of the year it is. Fish are always in the margins at this venue and they are normally big lumps!

My approaches and lines for Summer would be;
  1. Far bank line 1 - Approx 13/14.5m. Expect around 3 ft of depth, but this line wouldnt be on the deck. A slider float rig is favoured by me with depth inbetween 1 and 2 feet. .17 power line would be my choice and i would tie this to a 14 B911 and expect to feed constantly with 4mm Pellets. The hook bait doesnt need to be anything special. A simple everyday soft hooker will get them rolling in for you. I would suggest test the line with 13h or 10 Solid at first, as the stamp of fish can change throughout the day from 1-3lbers to 10-20lbs!
  2. Far Bank line 2 - Approx 13/14.5m. Expect around 3 ft of depth and you want to set it up around 2 inch over depth. As the ledges are very small and very often! So play it safe. A colmic goldie float .3g topped up with .17 power line would be my choice for the summer and i would tie this to a 16 B911. I wouldnt feed anything as i would only go on this line if the shallow rig wasnt producing. The hook bait doesnt need to be anything special. A simple everyday soft hooker will get them rolling in for you. I would suggest test the line with 11h or 8 Solid at first, as the stamp of the fish on the long line on the deck are normally fairly small.
  3. Margin line, Left and Right - First of all if you do manage to draw a peg with a straw bail in the water. Dont fish close to it. What you wont see above the water is that they are actually stacked up like stairs and no doubt will only result in disaster and tangles/breakages if you fish at the side of it. The best bet is to fish to the side of either ends of the bails. Expect around 1-2ft of water and dont be affraid to go right up to your pegs pier! I would lump up conciderably on these rigs. A colmic Goldie .4g float topped with .21 or more powerline (Somewhere around the 8 - 10lb mark will be alright) and topped with a beafy size 12 Animal. Maybe fished with 1 or 2 Soft hookers or even a little bit of luncheon meat. I would try this line for the first and last 1.5hr of a match and would continually feed these lines. Expect carp upto around 25lb. Average being around the 15lb mark. Like this!

My approaches and lines for Winter would be;

  1. Far bank line 1 - Approx 13/14.5m. Expect around 3 ft of depth, but this line wouldnt be on the deck. I would suggest a .3/.2g Colmic goldie or similar to .15 power line would be my choice at this time of year and i would tie this to a 16 B911 and expect to feed every 5 mins with say just 4 or 5 4mm pellets. The hook bait needs not to be anything special. A simple everyday soft hooker will get them rolling in for you although i would go down to a 6mm during the cooler months. I would suggest test the line with 13h or 10 Solid at first, as the stamp of fish can change throughout the day from 1-3lbers to 10-20lbs!
  2. Far Bank line 2 - Approx 13/14.5m. Expect around 3 ft of depth and you want to set it up around 2 inch over depth. As the ledges are very small and very often! So play it safe. A colmic goldie float .2g topped up with .11 power line would be my choice for the winter and i would tie this to a 16 B911. I would fish this line over the bait which was introduced with the shallow rig. The hook bait needs not to be anything special. A simple everyday soft hooker will get them rolling in for you same as above. Possible lowered to a 6mm and even worm if it was really hard. I would suggest test the line with 11h or 8 Solid at first, as the stamp of the fish on the long line on the deck are normally fairly small.
  3. Margin line, Left and Right - First of all if you do manage to draw a peg with a straw bail in the water. Dont fish close to it. What you wont see above the water is that they are actually stacked up like stairs and no doubt will only result in disaster and tangles/breakages if you fish at the side of it. The best bet is to fish to the side of either ends of the bails. Expect around 1-2ft of water and dont be affraid to go right up to your pegs pier! I would lump up conciderably on these rigs. A colmic Goldie .4g float topped with .17 or more powerline (Somewhere around the 6 - 8lb mark will be alright) and topped with a 14 B911 Animal. Maybe fished with 1 or 2 Soft hookers or even a little bit of luncheon meat. Slightly different from the above would be possibly a worm and caster approach in the margins. I would try this line for the first and last 1.5hr of a match and would continually feed these lines. Expect carp upto around 25lb. Average being around the 15lb mark. Like this!
  4. Ide and Roach line - The roach and hide can be the best bet on the cooler days while still catching them up in the water, 60lb bags arent unusual and if the carp wasnt on the ball i would not see a probably going for these. I would suggest a Colmic Goldie .2 Float fished between 1-4ft deep up in the water on a line to hand. Expect around 10 - 20ft depth in some areas so experiment with lenghs. I would also say go for a B911 size 18 and just a single or double caster at the same time feeding the same continuously in small amounts.
So thats the lines over with. Pretty much all you require on the easy days is....
The trick is to not be affraid to try new things at the venue and dont be affraid just to target the carp. Alot of people do not fish for them i cannot see why not sometimes. I used to have the record @ 163lb but i am not to sure if that still stands. Its a fairly easy venue and if you stick to the lines above you couldnt go far wrong. If you notice above i dont mention a 6 or 11m on the deck rig. The reason being is it just isnt productive enough and the size of the carp is pretty much in the ounces on most pegs. The depth can also cause alot of issues and i have useds a top 6 kit before just to cope with it!

Give it ago!
